Dr Jordan Lacey

Group Member

Jordan Lacey is a sonic thinker and sound art practitioner, with a focus on the urban domain. Achievements include the prestigious Australian Research Council (DECRA) Award (2019-22) a VC Fellowship (2016-18), and the award of several industry grants. His books include the influential Sonic Rupture: a practice-led approach to urban soundscape design (2016) and his recent publication Urban Roar: a psychophysical approach to the design of affective environments (2022). He is an associate editor and lead book reviewer for the internationally recognised Journal of Sonic Studies (JSS), and is a regular contributor to the Bloomsbury Sound Studies Blog and The Conversation. His creative works include urban sound art installations, soundscape compositions, live musical and multi-speaker performance and the creation of sonic sculptures. He has developed an international reputation for his interdisciplinary project work investigating the possibilities of sound installations to assist urban soundscaping efforts. For more details see: https://jordan-lacey.com

Highlighted projects include:

Sonic Gathering Place urban sound installation

More-than-sound symposium

Edited Journal: Translating Ambiance

Spinning, Singing Bowl sound sculpture